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LED Light and Yellow Sticky Card for Greenhouse Insect Light Traps!

Several studies have shown that greenhouse whiteflies are attracted to green-yellow light sources. There are also several visual traps that have been developed to mass trap the pest population.
The use of UV LEDs for trapping greenhouse whiteflies has been investigated. The UV LEDs have been shown to have a weak attraction for these insects.

An experimental system was used to determine the effect of the LED light and yellow sticky card on trapping greenhouse whiteflies. A total of 30 replicates were tested. The total number of whiteflies caught by each trap was recorded every 3 days for 18 days.

The results showed that green LED-lit yellow sticky cards had the highest trapping efficacy. The average number of greenhouse whiteflies caught per yellow sticky card was 46.9 +- 13.9. It was also found that the number of whiteflies caught on cloudy days was higher than that on sunny days. The trapping efficacy of the yellow sticky card was also affected by the position of the LED lamp.
It was also found that UV LED light had no effect on the trapping efficacy. The LED lamp was placed on the dark side of the yellow sticky card.

The results of this study will help to develop LED traps for mass trapping greenhouse whiteflies. A solid-state lighting system will allow the users to control the spectrum of light and will not disrupt the nominal growth of the plants. The results will also provide useful information for commercial trap development.


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